Monday, July 7, 2008

I'm back!!

I took a vacation from making Bento boxes mainly because my husband took some days off and we had like 3 whole days to ourselves! WOAH!

So, bentos went out the window and we went around having fun. Today is back to reality though. He's back to work, and the bento boxes were filled up. Today's fare is a weird mix of Thai, Indian, and BBQ stuff. Welcome to my world! I didn't think it would, but it went well together!

Here's my box:

In the lower tier (left) I had BBQ chicken breast that my husband grilled Saturday evening I think. With that I had Spicy Barley Pilaf that I took out of the freezer last night.

In the top tier (right) I have steamed broccoli with spices, and a Thai vegetable stir fry I made last night. In the little container I had Mediterranean hummus.

My husband's box has the exact same thing:

So we're back to our routine, and I'm looking at tomorrow's boxes already. Hopefully I can come up with something, supplies are low in my freezer!

I'm on it!!!

Happy Bento Everybody!

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