I saw on Biggie's blog that Kamei were selling some coolish bentos, so I stopped by to take a look. The ones I had seen on her site were ok, but not what I'm looking for, but then I saw two that I just had to have!
Here's the first one:
From what I could understand (I don't read Japanese, so I kind of look at pictures a lot!) the lower tier is 280 ml, and the top tier is 200 ml. I thought the box was microwave safe, but the lady at Kamei (who was in a bad mood and didn't really listen to my question) said it wasn't. Biggie said on her website that the box is microwave and dishwasher safe.
I will try it in the microwave eventually, none of my boxes go in the dishwasher, safe or no.
Here's the box open:
This next box I got a Kamei also:
I'm not quite sure of the volume of each tier. I'll figure it out and post when I do.
I got this box at Kamei for $7.50. There was that one in those colors, and it red and green. And the same thing but bigger in the same two choices of colors. I bought the only blue and black small one left on the shelf (other than the Demo) and opened EACH BOX to find a blue and black. I didn't like the red and green (too Christmas-y).
I also stopped by Ichiban Kan (of course) and got the part two of one of the first box I bought:
Saturday, my husband and I went to Daiso. We never miss a trip there when we're in the city. I bought myself a pickle press! I'm planning on making some quick pickling to put in the bentos as soon as I figure it out.
Between Ichiban Kan and Daiso, I picked up a few odds and ends to make my boxes cuter and easier. Here's the lot of them:
Here's my collection:
So that's my bento shopping! I had a lot of fun with this and can't wait to have another "Cutsy Curse attack"! With so many boxes, I smell a challenge coming!
Happy Bento Everybody!
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